My Last Words.

Dhriti Malhotra
2 min readJun 11, 2021


So this is a heavy one. We all know, India suffered a lot in the second wave of the Corona Virus that hit us terribly in the last few weeks. We lost some people too in our social circle, as did everyone I believe , and it was absolutely heartbreaking. I actually felt like I had to numb my feelings or they would have gotten the better of me. It genuinely was overwhelming.

I got to know I lost a distant relative , whom I remember had visited our house about 5 or 6 years ago, and honestly it affected my grandparents much more than it affected me. They were much closer to the family than I ever was. Also, when the particular relative visited us, they said something to me ( a much younger school-going girl at the time) that is still stuck with me. The statement was — ‘ Oh, you have grown tall! Well it’s a good thing you are not short like your mother.”

Since that day, in the past years, whenever there has been a mention of this relative during any conversation at home, I have always found these words ringing in my years. Of course, I am at fault too, because I wasn’t able to let go of such a little thing, but at the same time , the statement felt like a personal attack. Now the relative, they might not have given it any thought and they probably were a genuine, nice and kind person , but for me their last words were what I remembered was said to me all those years ago by them.

The uncertainty in these recent times have made me think what my last words would be , and how they could be different for every person who I’ve ever been in contact with. Even if I am generally a nice person , someone might only remember how my harsh words made them feel after I have taken my departure from this world. It is just food for thought, but it might not really be a bad idea to consider what we say and try to be kinder towards others, not just when it is convenient, but also, at every moment of every day.



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